There are causes of impact on the life of the pig – nosed turtle habitat, by adjusting from the Indonesian Government Regulation (P.106 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 12/2018) written on page 25 in table number 697 of the Carretochelydae group or Carretochelys insculpta ( As well as the existence of Appendix II status as a case of International Trade Species. However, in Indonesia it is often found as a case of exotic animal trade, food markets and believed to be a traditional medicine practice, and beauty cosmetic ingredients, as a result habitat exploitation occurs intensively in Papua, the occurrence of twenty cases in the exact period 2013 to 2020. And one case was found in 2022.
The following are samples of evidence of illegal trade obtained by the authorities:
No | Date | Type | Total | Perpetrator | Security | Found Location |
1 | 07-Mar-22 | Carretochelys Insculpta | 472 tails | MIH | Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) BKSDA | Payakumbuh City |
The perpetrator is threatened with the regulation of article 21 paragraph 2 letter d in conjunction with article 40 paragraph 2 of Law number 5 of 1990 concerning KSDAHE (Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystems).
No | Date | Type | Total | Perpetrator | Security | Found Location |
1 | 19- Jan-19
Carretochelys Insculpta | 1.190 tails | – | Merauke Distric Court | Mopah Airport in Merauke |
The defendant was sentenced to four months imprisonment by the Merauke District Court with a fine of Rp. 5,000,000 (if unable to pay, a two-month prison sentence will be substituted). This is lighter than the original prison sentence of eight months.
The status of the pig nosed turtle is listed by the IUCN as threatened with extinction, the biggest impact is due to the illegal trade that exceeds the maximum quota requirement of the Indonesian Government Regulation even though the statement of the Indonesian Government Regulation on pig nosed turtle is already a “Hunting Animal”, but it is obliged to follow the harvest quota that is used maximum of 10,000 eggs.
In fact, exploitation in the field, in South Papua (based on the results of research by the Papua Conservation Team in 2022) there are communities (harvesters/hunters) 69,000 eggs from (23 clans x 3000 eggs) which are used as income opportunities by being sold out of Papua illegally. There is also a community representative storing the harvest of 4,000 eggs, one month (In August) the harvest gets 2,000 eggs. Stored in a special container.
The biggest impacts of endangered threats, include:
- Human disturbance (the largest) caused by illegal trade (exotic animal markets, food markets, strong medicine ingredients, beauty cosmetics ingredients) not using Indonesian Government Regulations. In Indonesia, illegal trade is found and arrested every year, often in August, September, October, during the harvest season.
- Climate change resulting in failure to hatch eggs in the sand, river flooding resulting in eggs in the nest breaking and drowning.
- Natural disturbances caused by invading animals in nature (monitor lizards), and so on.
Conservation needs organized by Papua Conservation
The results of the procurement of collaboration with IPB and TSE Group for the conservation of the Papuan ecosystem, the state of the pig nosed turtle population synergizes with the culture of the Papuan people which has been immortalized by the “Papuan People’s Ancestors”. In order for people to understand retrieved between wildlife populations and their culture, deeper research and campaigns should be conducted that direct people to follow government regulations on the education of restrictions on Harvesting, Selling, Utilizing eggs and pig nosed turtle.
As well as, a ranching program that utilizes pig nosed turtle eggs legally. (Half of the people’s use of pig nosed turtle eggs, there are 50% in nature and 50% used by the Papua people’s needs for sale) Delivered by the Indonesian Government Regulation (SK. Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 65 / MENLHK /KSDAE /KSA.2 / 3/2021 dated March 3, 2021). (