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Protecting our Diverse Wildlife

As an oil palm plantation company based in Papua, Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group is committed to environmental conservation and continuesly innovates to preserve local biodiversity. This commitment drives us to actively participate in protecting endemic species.

Since 2022, in collaboration with IPB University, TSE Group has been running the Papua Conservation program to safeguard the Pig-nosed Turtle and the Greater Bird of Paradise in Merauke and Boven Digoel Regencies, South Papua. Why does this matter? Here’s a brief explanation.


Pig-nosed Turtle (Carretochelys insculpta)

The Pig-nosed Turtle is a protected species according to Law No. 5/1990 on the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Ecosystems, Government Regulation No. 7/1999 on the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species, and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018, which serves as the second amendment to the regulation on protected plant and animal species. These days, habitat destruction and expanding human activities are causing a significant decline in the Pig-nosed Turtle population, making the species increasingly vulnerable to extinction.


Greater Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea apoda)

The Greater Bird of Paradise is a protected species under Law No.5 of 1990, reinforced by the Minister of Forestry Decree No.301/Kpts-II/1992. Its population has been declining drastically; however, according to the IUCN (last updated on June 12, 2024) it is still classified as Least Concern (low risk or not currently threatened). Despite this, hunting and illegal capture continue to put the species’ habitat at risk.

About Us


The widespread hunt for pig-nosed turtles...

Our Mission

It aims to protect the rights to life of endemic rare flora and fauna...

Our Experts

Science, commitment, passion and hope are all essential to protecting the future...

Papua Conservation

Asiki, Jair,
Boven Digoel Regency,
Papua 99661


T: 021-396-7102