15 pignosed turtles were secured when they were about to be smuggled into Kalimantan using MT, Saturday (24/2). (ANTARA/HO/South Papua Quarantine Doc)
JAKARTA – South Papua’s quarantine thwarted the smuggling of a pig-snouting tortoise that was about to be sent through Merauke Harbor.
“It is true that quarantine officers have thwarted the smuggling of pig-nosed turtles that will be smuggled using the MT Motorboat bound for Kalimantan on Saturday (February 24),” said South Papua Quarantine Head Cahyono when contacted in Jayapura, Sunday, February 25 evening, confiscated by Antara.
It was recorded that 15 pig-nosed turtles were put in buckets which were placed on the shoe racks, then covered with cloth.
In his written statement, Cahyono regretted that there were still irresponsible people who brought protected endemic animals.
“We must maintain natural resources in Papua, both flora and fauna so that they remain sustainable, because if they do not, they can accelerate their extinction and disrupt their natural habitat ecosystem,” he said.
Head of the South Papua Quarantine Law Enforcement Team, Suwarna Duwipa, added that the smuggling of 15 pig-nosed turtles and a dilute bird was thwarted through surveillance at the port.
The supervision was carried out on ships that were about to leave Merauke Harbor to prevent smuggling, especially protected animals and plants in accordance with Article 72 of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish, and Tumbuhan Quarantine.
Quarantine has the task of monitoring and controlling wild plants and animals, as well as rare plants and animals.
Moreover, the pig-nosed tortoise is an endemic animal in the southern region of Papua that is protected because its presence in nature is small.
“According to the International Union Conservation Nature (IUCN), the pig-snouting tortoise has a vulnerable status, and is included in the redlist of Appendix II by the International Convention Trade in Endangerd Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES),” said Duwipa.
The pig-nosed tortoise will be handed over to the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of the Merauke area as the agency authorized to carry out further processes.
Source: voi.id