Hundreds of threatened pig-nosed turtles smuggled from Indonesia as part of the illegal pet trade have been returned home.
Forestry Ministry spokesman Masyhud says the 609 baby turtles were among more than 800 seized by authorities in Hong Kong earlier this year.
They arrived at Jakarta’s international airport last Wednesday and waited to be sent on to their native habitat in Papua, Indonesia’s easternmost province.

A Kadoorie farm employee holds a baby pig-nosed turtle in Hong Kong last Tuesday. 嘉道理一座農場員工上週二於香港手托一隻豬鼻龜寶寶
The Carettochelys insculpta turtles got their nickname from the two large nostrils at the tips of their long, fleshy snouts.
They can be found in the freshwater streams, lagoons and rivers of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
The biggest threats they face come from the illegal animal trade, commercial fishing and egg and meat hunters.

A close-up of the turtle’s snout. 烏龜口鼻部的特寫
學名為Carettochelys insculpta的豬鼻龜,因又長又肥的口鼻尖端有兩個大鼻孔,所以得此綽號。